It Is Time To Order Your Inventory

Once all the preliminary work is done, it is time to order your inventory. You have found the perfect location, checked out the zoning ordinances, talked to other business owners, and signed the lease. All that is left to do is stock your business, advertise, and stand back from the door so the crowd does not knock you down on the way in to purchase everything in your store.
WRONG! It usually does not happen that way. It would be great if it did, but then everyone would open a business and then where would we get the customers. The next step in a long line of steps is to locate the best wholesale sources for the items that you want to sell. This can be very time consuming.
Just this morning, I googled wholesale and wholesale distributor and there were over 13,000,000 and almost 3,000,000 respectively listed. How in the world can one search through that maze to find exactly what they are looking for? Buying items at wholesale prices and then expecting to turn around and sell them immediately is not a quick way to get rich. But, overall, the small business owner makes more money than the average person that works for someone else.
It is not an easy task to locate a wholesale distributor that will be able to deliver the goods at the best possible price. I believe that the small business owner should begin by searching on the internet; however, that should not be a stopping place.
Each year, many major cities have wholesale shows where hundreds, if not thousands of wholesalers come to one location and buyers from all over the country come to see the latest trend and purchase stock for their store. Las Vegas, several times each year, has perhaps the biggest merchandise show in the country, if not the world. Chicago, New York, and Atlanta also are big wholesale merchandise shows. There are several smaller distributor shows throughout the year and at various locations. Once you begin dealing with wholesalers that you have found through the internet, most companies will tell you when and where they will be set up so you can view the merchandise.
Many companies have online catalogs that you can order from directly. This is also convenient because you do not have to go anywhere and you can know if it is still in stock. However, I have found that it is better if you can see the merchandise at a show, but if you are making reorders, or are in a hurry for some items, this is perhaps the best way to go.
Even though you can order online, at least the first time, I recommend calling and talking to a salesman. Usually, they are friendly and really want to help you, because they get paid on commission. Also, when you deal with a salesman, you have someone to talk to if something is wrong with your order, or it is late. After a few times of dealing with the salesman, then it is fine to just order online. But remember, if a salesman knows very much about your business, if he has some specials that may save you money, he will let you know while you are talking to him. He is there to help you make money, so he makes money. Never underestimate the benefits of talking directly with salesmen.
Finding good wholesale sources will take some time, but there are several sources available that will help to make it easier.
There are several more aspects to dealing with wholesale distributors that I will talk about in later articles. This includes how to ask for a better deal, buying surplus and closeouts, and shipping costs.
Paul Taylor is a business owner that helps other business owners and entrepreneurs locate wholesale distributors and dropshippers. Visit his website for information about wholesale sources or opening a business.
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